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The Best Mulches to use in the Home Garden.
The Best Mulches to use in the Home Garden.

In Australia – what are the best mulches to use in the home garden and how do I apply them? In Australia, there are several types of mulches that are suitable for home gardens, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the most common mulches...

Herbs for a Home Garden and How to Care for Them.
Herbs for a Home Garden and How to Care for Them.

Growing conditions and varieties available can vary around Australia. If you have any queries please contact your local Independent Garden Centre. www.gardenreleaf.com.au  Herbs are a great addition to any home garden in Australia. They are easy to grow, require...

How do I look after a Phaleonopsis orchid in my home?
How do I look after a Phaleonopsis orchid in my home?

Growing conditions and varieties available can vary around Australia. If you have any queries please contact your local Independent Garden Centre. www.gardenreleaf.com.au  Phalaenopsis orchids, also known as moth orchids, are popular indoor plants in Australia due to...


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