Prior to Independent Garden Centres

Independents are passionate plant people. Throughout history, gardens and gardening have played a significant role in the lives of families. They worked together on farms. Provided fresh home grown produce. Played outdoors in backyards and had picnics in the park. Recent times have seen dramatic shifts in the way people interact with and involve gardens in their lives.

With the onset of modern technologies, the move to  living in cities, smaller home blocks and time-poor lifestyles, people have never been more disassociated from plants and gardens. Its possible many of us can go for days without any real interaction with plants and gardens. And all the while research shows the significant benefits plants and gardens have on our physical and mental health.

Independents Are Passionate Plant People

Active gardeners and lovers of the outdoors always talk up the benefits of gardens and gardening.  Now studies worldwide are encouraging GP’s to prescribe gardening and gardens as a way of alleviating numerous health issues. This is in addition to, or instead of, medications. Studies on these garden-based interventions have shown significant reductions in symptoms of depression and anxiety.  They’ve also shown enhanced feelings of emotional well-being, improved social functioning and improved physical health.

Surrounding yourself with living plants and flowers or spending time in a garden helps us to de-stress and clear our minds. It can also provide exercise and healthy fresh food.  It teaches life skills, makes us smile and creates life-long memories.  You may choose to pick a flower, go for a stroll, pull out a few weeds. Or you may plant some veggies or style your home with living, indoor greenery

For those keen to reconnect with the joys of plants and gardens, there is no better place to start than your local independent garden centre.  They are a local business owned by local people who proudly and passionately offer you their expertise, advice and carefully tended plants.

passionate garden people

Independent Garden Centres Know Local

In the plant business, there is no official governing body regulating the quality of what is sold.  All plants can look beautiful and lush on the day they are offered for sale. What is most important is the quality of the roots under the soil and the ability for the plant to perform in your local conditions.

Your local independent garden centre is typically staffed with a high level of enthusiastic, passionate and horticulturally trained plant and garden people. They show genuine interest in helping you get your garden growing.  Or fill your patio with potted beauties.  Or create your indoor jungles. Their focus is on plants and gardens whilst providing sound and accurate technical advice for their clients, you.

What’s more, there is always someone at your local independent garden centre to offer you the advice and service you need. Always remember that Independent Garden Centres are passionate plant people.

Independent Garden Centres Have Atmosphere

Over the years, there have been a number of independent garden centres close their doors. Some were unable to compete with ‘big box’ chain stores. Others sold to make way for high density housing during real estate booms.

This has resulted in the remaining independent garden centres recognising they must work hard to provide a remarkable shopping experience for their customers. The atmosphere in a garden centre needs to be fabulous, making browsing the store a delight on the senses. You can touch and feel the plants while soaking up the magical colours and beauty of the foliage and flowers 

Jackie Hooper from Zanthorrea Nursery in Western Australia smiles and says “many of our customers joke to us that a visit to our garden centre is part of their weekly well-being therapy. I am not sure they are all joking”.