Growing conditions can vary around Australia. If you have any queries please contact your local Independent Garden Centre.

How To Have Flourishing Cymbidium Orchids

A Cymbidium Orchid in flower, indoor or out, makes a superb display. The flowers look great and last well with many varieties holding for weeks or even months.


Position: Morning sun or filtered shade with shelter from strong winds. Full Winter sun is fine.

Uses: Indoor decoration, whilst in flower, in a light, airy spot. Great for shade houses, patios or verandahs.

Cymbidium Orchids (Cymbids.) are quite easy to grow but, like any container plant, they do need specific feeding and care for best results.

When to Buy

Garden Centres have Cymbids. for many months but the main times are from July through to September. There is an excellent choice of colours ranging from white through greens, yellows, browns and reds. They also carry some of the exquisite miniature flowered Cymbids.

Where to Grow Them Outside

Most Cymbids. are grown outside and only brought inside once the flowers form. They like morning sun or filtered shade but definitely not full shade or hot summer sun. Once the weather cools in Autumn then your Cymbid. will benefit from more sunshine. If your Cymbid. is not flowering, and everything else is right, then give it more sun to force flower spikes even at the risk of burning the leaves. Under a tree seems to be good or on a sheltered verandah.


Cymbidium Orchids do need regular feeding. At repotting time, (more on that later) add some Orchid food to the Orchid Growing Media. Water in carefully.

When Cymbids. are growing strongly, late Spring, Summer & Autumn, it is important to fertilise weekly for best results. Use a liquid fertiliser such as Powerfeed at half strength. During Winter you can reduce fertilising to once every three or four weeks. Another point to note is that continual fertilising can cause a build up of salts, so flush the plant occasionally with water only, to overcome this.


Cymbids., being sub-tropical, need careful watering. During Spring, start increasing the frequency and by Summer you may be watering daily. This will obviously vary with weather but do keep them moist during hotter days. Once temperatures fall, Autumn on, decrease your watering. Once Winter is here, watering may only be needed once a week, or even less. Winter is their dormant time and it’s very important not to have the mix too wet.

When To Repot

The correct time to repot is after flowering- usually October/November.


Cymbids. can grow happily in quite a small container but if your pot is very full, or your plant has lost vigour, then it’s probably time to repot or divide. If your plant is in a small pot then you can probably just repot up to the next size but if it’s quite old then dividing and potting is recommended. Ask our staff for advice if you are not sure.

* Before you start potting do ensure that you water your plant first and that the new mix is moist too.

* It is important to select a pot usually only one or two sizes larger than the original one. Do not repot a small plant into a large container.

* remove your plant from the old pot

* shake the old mixture from the roots and trim off any dead or damaged roots

* then follow the instructions for potting listed under the “Dividing Your Orchid” heading.

Dividing Your Orchid

* it is important to select the correct place for the division. Gently pull the root mass and you will usually find the point where the plant begins to divide.

* when cutting roots, your aim is to minimise damage to the bulbs. If you expect flowering next year in your divided clump, then you need to leave at least one back bulb (a bulb with no leaf) and two or three bulbs with healthy leaves. Smaller divisions will grow on, but probably won’t flower in the next year.

* when repotting, chose the smallest pot that will comfortably accommodate the roots

* fill the bottom quarter of your pot with Orchid Growing Media

* place your plant in the pot and check to make sure that the top edge of the pot is approximately level with the bottom third of the bulbs

* place the plant so that the old part is against the side of the pot and the growing part has room to expand

* hold your plant in this position and fill the pot with Orchid Growing Media

* firm the mixture around the sides with your hand and fill again to about 1 cm from the top of the pot

* it is now essential to water thoroughly with Plant Starter or Seasol to encourage new roots to form

* place your plant in a sheltered spot for a few days and keep the mixture moist. Refer to our watering and other instructions thereafter.


  1. Cymbidium Orchids grow well indoors whilst in flower but not in a hot, dry atmosphere. They like a cool (not cold), light, airy position
  2. Remove the whole flower spike immediately the flowers finish. Failure to do so can reduce flowers for the next season
  3. Snails and slugs enjoy young Cymbid. flower spikes so do add snail bait at the appropriate time.

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